Call & Criteria for Carnot Lille Springer Collection Book Submitting | Deadline Paper: 30th June 2024]


A Celebration-Call for Papers Springer Collection Book on Carnot is linked to Carnot 1824-2024 International Colloquium


  • If you want to submit a proposal-abstract for Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium, then please first register here and then submit your abstract here. After acceptation you can pay your fees for participating-communication at Carnot Lille 2024.
  • Thus you can submit a proposal-abstract for Springer Carnot Collection book; please follow the Criteria below. Please also propose in which of the three parts below your abstract should belong.
  • Of course you can submit idem abstract both for the Springer Carnot Collection book and for Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium. To the first case, your submission-paper (after acceptation) should follow. To the second case, your communication in presence in Lille (after acceptation) should follow.


Criteria for Submitting an Abstract-Proposal for Springer Collection Book Carnot 1824-2024

  • CfP [History of Physics Springer Collection Book series  A History of Thermodynamics: Homage to Sadi Carnot's Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu 1824–2024. Selected Essays as New Historical Insights into the Physics-Mathematics Relationship. Springer. Expected 2025.
    • All submitted abstract for Carnot Lille 2024 symposia/talks, which meet the criteria of originality and quality, will be peer–reviewed for the acceptance. The abstracts can be: Accepted, or Accepted after by Minor or Major Revision, or Rejected.
    • Abstract: (in English only) peer-reviewed proposal submission within 15th of November of 2023extended deadine 20th of Jauary 2024 [Free editing, no Template, Two Pages Maximum, including the following: Name and Surname, Affiliation, Abstract, Key words, Short list of References; Please send an attachment PDF file only].  Please send it to: raffaele.pisano @ 
  • Title: A History of Thermodynamics: Homage to Sadi Carnot's Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu 1824–2024. Selected Essays as New Historical Insights into the Physics-Mathematics Relationship
  • Guest Editor: Raffaele Pisano (IEMN, Lille University, France)
  • Email/Info: raffaele.pisano @
  • Springer Book Series: History of Physics  
  • Rationale, Contents & Criteria, Mainly: In 1824, thermodynamics was born by means of Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (hereafter Réflexions). Sadi Carnot (1796-1832) was one of the most important and ingenious scientists of the 19th century. His book, and last consideration with regard to the theory on gases appeared in quite a short period, ca. three years. In effect, it was an early scientific and filial project of father, Lazare and his son, Sadi. It was a total overturning of the Newtonian paradigm and related physics-mathematics relationship, which was a new theory, which had its origins in physical-engineering practices. The book encompasses the novelty of reversibility, for the first time the idea of a cycle in a physical theory, the limit to the efficiency of heat machines (excluding perpetual motion) a theorem demonstrated by an absurdum proof, and new gas laws, et al. Up to date, new historical insights will be discussed. His 1824-2024 anniversary is the best occasion: celebrating both Sadi Carnot as scientist and his Réflexions by means of selected essays in History of Physics, ranging across the entire field and related, in most instances to the work of Sadi Carnot; also discussing of Sadi Carnot's intellectual matrix and international heritage to encourage a new reflection on the interdisciplinary fields of history of physics and to highlight their own history and identity. The book will bring together cutting-edge writings by leading scholars in the History of Physics and related disciplines in regard to Sadi Carnot, focusing on his work. The volume will be an accessible avenue to providing an absorbing and revealing read for historians and scientists, particularly physicists and mathematicians alike. 
  • Cfr.: Gillispie CC, Pisano R (2014) Lazare and Sadi CarnotA Scientific and Filial Relationship. 2nd ed. Springer; Pisano R, Cooppersmith J, Peacke M (2021) Essay on Machines in General (1786). Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics – Vol. 1. Springer; two more books on Lazare Carnot's Mechanics are pre-print; Carnot S (1978) Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu edition critique par Robert Fox; Carnot S (1986) Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, Robert Fox translator & editor. Manchester University Press; Frigg R (2008) A field Guide to Recent Work on the Foundation of Statistical Mechanics. Ashgate; Id. (2022) Models and Theories. Routledge, London; Pisano R, Pellegrino EM et al. (2021) Conceptual polymorphism of entropy into the history: extensions of the second law of thermodynamics towards statistical physics and chemistry during nineteenth–twentieth centuries. Foundations of Chemistry 23:337-378; Id. (2019) Thermodynamic Foundations of Physical Chemistry. Reversible Processes and Thermal Equilibrium into History. Foundations of Chemistry 21:297–323; Pisano R, Pellegrino EM (2023-forthcoming) Clausius' Laws, Boltzmann’s H-Theorem & Entropy: Mathematical Frameworks into a Kinetic Mechanism (1850–1901). In: Pisano R (ed). A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer.
  • Foreword: Robert Fox (University of Oxford, UK)
  • Preface: by Carnot's Family Members
  • Acknowledgements
  • Remarks for Reader
  • Introduction: by Guest Editor
  • Part I.   On Sadi Carnot's life & Works, including his Two Unpublished Works
  • Part II.  On Sadi Carnot's Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu (1824)
  • Part III. On History of Thermodynamics and related-linked Scientific Disciplines in the 19th-21st Century, including e.g., Post-Carnot 2nd Law, Clausius, Boltzmann, Gibb, Statistical Mechanics, Equilibrium & Non, Physical and Mathematical Entropy Descriptions, 19th-Geometry in Physics, Mathematical and Geometrical models in Physics, New Modern Physics, Nature of Science, Mechanics, etc.
  • References
  • Index
  • Language: English [eventual original non–English language should be moved in the footnotes. In this case, English translation is required in the running text]
  • Outcome expected: 2025
  • Fees: No
  • Criteria/Peer Review: all submitted papers, which meet the criteria of originality and quality, will be peer–reviewed for the publication. The papers are expected to be revised (in the contents, editing and English) prior to submission. Papers not adequately written according to editing-guidelines, or finally far from project's aims as presented in its Call, even if their abstract-proposals were regularly accepted, can be finally rejected by editor. Thus, as usual, the papers will be peer-reviewed. It is up to the guest editor and his organizing team, and then by Springer. This will be declared in Remarks for Reader, as well. Thus, a final paper can be accepted, accepted with minor/major revision or rejected.
  • Editing: Author Guidelines/Template. In order to receive the Template, please write to:


  • Abstract: (in English) abstract-proposal, within 15th of November of 2023extended deadine 20th of Jauary 2024 [Free editing, no Template, Two Pages Maximum, including the following: Part I, II or III? Name and Surname, Affiliation, Abstract, Key words, Short list of References; by an attachment PDF file only].  Please send it to: raffaele.pisano @

Full (edited within its specific template) paper submission: by 2024, 30th of June to raffaele.pisano @

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