Acknowledgments, Appreciations & PRESS

Acknowledgments & Appreciations

Dear Participants, Speakers & Carnot Lille 2024 Staff

A big Thank You for attending (notable specialists-Speakers & Participants) our International Colloquium

Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024 & les Carnots. International Colloquium Carnot 1824-2024 & Exhibition Manuscripts, 11th-13th September 2024, IEMN, University of Lille, France

Your presence helped to make this huge particular event a great evident success. We hope that you found our Carnot Lille 2024 international Colloquium informative and enjoyable, as well as a start-point for mutual future collaborations (Projects & Publications)!

By three-days attendance (Presence & Via Zoom) this specialist-Colloquium was a great accomplishment-research advancement for the Sadi Carnot & correlated topics, given the extraordinary times we have all been through. We hope that you were pleased with the richness of both scientific and convivial programme, catering and the diversity of the audience. We could not have done it without You, IEMN-CNRS, University of Lille, Patronages, Grant-Partners, and Administrative and Graphic Staff at the IEMN, its beautiful IEMN Amphitheatre, including the impeccable activity-help of its IT Staff.

A Special Acknowledge who arrived from other cities and countries for helping and attending; also crossing the ocean and Alps for being at our Symposium, as well!

Breaking News:

  • Please you should have received Social Photos, some of the Participants & Speakers
  • As announced a dedicated Springer Carnot Collection Book is pre-print (30+ already submitted essays/chapters etc.) | expected 2025:
  • Please you should have received the Presentations (PDFs) of all Speakers and Attendance Certificates
  • Below you find some appreciations received vai emails.

Stay Safe & Keep in Touch

Best Regards 

Raffaele Pisano

you and your team did a wonderful job with the Carnot-Lille conference!  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Very well organized and executed.  I made some excellent contacts for future collaboration.  All in all, a wonderful time!  Thank you again very much for inviting me.  It was a great pleasure meeting you in person.
p.s. Historic Lille is beautiful!

Dear Raffaele and your team,
Thank you and congratulations again. I’ve really appreciated your conference. I’ve learned a lot and met nice people. I hope to keep in touch with you.
Best regards

Dear Raffaele, dear staff of Carnotlille 2024,
thank you for the photos and for the magnificent days I spent in Lille!!
Sincerely yours,

Cher Raffaele,
Merci encore à toi pour ce colloque passionnant, et parfaitement organisé (et merci pour les photos). J'ai rarement assisté à un colloque aussi riche et rencontré autant de collègues si intéressants en si peu de temps. Bravo pour cette grande réussite.

Dear Raffaele, Dear carnotlille2024 team,
thank you for organizing the wonderful meeting in Lille. It was the first time for me to attend a meeting with historians and philosophers. I enjoyed the fresh input and the pleasant atmosphere. It was a worthy celebration!

Dear Team carnotlille2024,
Thank you very much for all the aftercare, including collecting and sending all the presentations.
Best regards,

Bonjour Raffaele,
[...] CARNOT2024, [...] achevée avec sucées et bonne humeur !
Amir et Parvathy


PRESS - Newsroom | University of Lille 


Carnot Lille 2024 Official Communicate PRESS

  • At the end of the 18th century, Lazare Carnot (1753–1823) articulated the chimerical dream of unlimited efficiency. In 1824, thermodynamics (the 2nd principle only) was born thanks to the Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu by Sadi Carnot (1796–1832), one of the most important and ingenious scientists of the 19th century. In this unique publication, he deals with thermal/gas machines with: a caloric/heat hypothesis, a four-phase cycle, an ad absurdum theorem, the impossibility of perpetual motion, irreversible/reversible processes. While it is only in Notes sur les mathématiques, la physique et autres sujets (s.d.) Sadi assumes motor power & conversation/heat–work. Le Réflexions is a scientific & filial project, father and son; a true reversal of the Newtonian physics–mathematics paradigm in theoretical physics/engineering. Thermodynamics is the undeniable compass for understanding today's energy problems. In 2024, at the University of Lille, we are celebrating 200 years of Réflexions, with international colleagues and direct descendants of the Carnot family.


  • À la fin du 18e siècle, Lazare Carnot (1753–1823) énonce le rêve chimérique d'une efficacité illimitée. En 1824, la thermodynamique (seulement 2e principe) naît grâce aux Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu de Sadi Carnot (1796–1832), l’un des scientifiques les plus importants et ingénieux du 19e siècle. Dans cette unique publication, il traite des machines thermiques/gaz avec : une hypothèse calorique/chaleur, un cycle en quatre phases, un théorème ad absurdum, l’impossibilité d'un mouvement perpétuel, des processus irréversibles/réversibles. Tandis qu'uniquement dans Notes sur les mathématiques, la physique et autres sujets (s.d.) Sadi suppose la puissance motrice & conversation/chaleur–travail. Le Réflexions est un projet scientifique & filial, père et fils ; un véritable renversement du paradigme newtonien physiques–mathématiques en physique théorique/ingénierie. La thermodynamique est l'incontestable boussole pour la compréhension des problèmes énergétiques d’aujourd’hui. En 2024, à l'Université de Lille, nous célébrons les 200 ans des Réflexions, avec des collègues internationaux et les descendants directs de la famille Carnot.




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