Plenary Keynote Speakers, Communications & Invited Authorities List | In Progress

Carnot Leading & Chairperson Colloquium 

  • Prof. Raffale Pisano, HDR | HOPAST TEAM at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France

Invited Chairpersons

  • Mr. Frederic Barbaresco, THALES, France
  • Prof. DR Jean Dhombres, CAK-CNRS Paris, France
  • Prof. Flavia Marcacci, Pontfical Lateran University, Vatican State


Official Opening Lille Carnot 2024 Ceremony Authorities

  • Prof. Raffaele Pisano, University of Lille, France
  • Dr. Thierry Melin and Dr. Christophe Delerue, Head of Scientific Head of IEMN, France
  • Chiarissimo Secrétaire Perpétuel Prof. Étienne Ghys, Académie des Science, France
  • Mr. Thierry and Mrs. Caroline Carnot, Descendants of Carnot's Family, Paris, France
  • Mrs. Alix et Mr. Olivier Carnot, owner of the Carnot Château de Presles & its Private Rare Carnots Archive, Paris, France 
  • Prof. Julien Roche, Head of LILLIAD, University of Lille, France 
  • Dr. Sequoya Yiaueki, Institut Éric Weil, University of Lille, France
  • Dr. François Gerin, SEE President, France
  • University of Lille Authorities, Forthcoming
  • Local Offical Authorities and Guests, Forthcoming
  • Et al. forthcoming 


Plenary Speakers

  • [Day 11 Sept.] Prof. Raffale Pisano, HDR | HOPAST TEAM at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France
  • [Day 11 Sept. Prof. Antonino Drago, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
  • [Day 12 Sept.] Prof. Robert Fox, FSA, FRHistS | University of Oxford, UK
  • [Day 12 Sept.] Prof. Paolo Bussotti, DIUM, University of Udine, Italy
  • [Day 13 Sept.] Prof. Jean G. Dhombres, CAK-CNRS Paris, France


Communication Sessions (CS) Speakers


Session: On Lazare and Sadi Carnot's Life & Works | Chairperson: Forthcoming

  • Forthcoming


CS Session: On Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (1824) | Chairperson: Forthcoming 

  1. Dr. Thierry Alboussiere  Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, University of Lyon-ENS de Lyon-CNRS, France | Using the 'Reflexions' to teach thermodynamics 
  2. Prof. Milivoje Kostic, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northern Illinois University, USA | 2024 Key Reflections on the 1824 Sadi Carnot’s “Réflexions”  see also his website:
  • Forthcoming


CS Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C. | Chairperson: Dr. Frederic Barbaresco, THALES, France & Prof. Dr. Flavia Marcacci, Pontfical Lateran University, Vatican State

  1. Thierry AlboussiereLaboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, Université de Lyon-CNRS/ENS de Lyon, CNRS, FranceUsing the "Reflexions" to teach thermodynamics
  2. Mr. Frederic Barbaresco, THALES
  3. Dr. Emanuel Bertrand, Centre Alexandre-Koyré, Paris, France | Ilya Prigogine's non-equilibrium thermodynamics as a new synthesis of physics?
  4. Dr. Denis Bonnelle, Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace, Sorbonne Universite, France | Topicality of Carnot’s theorem for the energy transition
  5. Prof. Fabrizio Cleri, IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France | Quantum Heat Machines and Carnot in the 21st century
  6. Prof. Armin Feldhoff, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Hannover Leibniz University, Germany Carnot's principle applied to thermoelectrics: Dynamics of entropy, charge and energy of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, 
  7. Dr. Manuel de Leon, Centre for Automation and Robotics, Spanish National Research Council, Spain Carnot theorem for constrained hybrid mechanical systems
  8. Dr. Robert T. Hanlon, School of Chemical Engineering Practice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | Reconsidering the use of Carnot’s heat engine in thermodynamics education] see also his blog:
  9. Dr. Vincent Lemort, Thermodynamics Laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium | The role of experimental practice in the rise of technical thermodynamics at the University of Liège from 1868 to 1914
  10. Prof. Montgomery Link, Department of Philosophy, Suffolk University in Boston, USA | Thermodynamic Time Asymmetries
  11. Prof. Ricardo Lopes Coelho, University of Lisbon, Portugal | Carnot and the Conservation of Energy
  12. Prof. Agamenon Oliveira, Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Sadi Carnot and Paradigm Changes in Physics and Economics
  13. Dr. Radhakrishnamurty Padyala, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, IndiaA continued fraction expression for Carnot efficiency
  14. Arjan van Deijk, Bill Xezonakis, Casper Helder, Tessit BV, The Netherland | From Carnot to Clausius
  15. Dr. Andre Thess, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics-DLR, : University of Stuttgart, Germany | Carnot-Batteries for Large-Scale Electricity Storage

etc. Forthcoming

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