List of Registered (Only) Participants, Members of Sci/Org Committees etc., In Progress [if you did not register, then your name is not listed here]

Number of registers : 79
Omar Aguilar
Laboratory : Physics of Information Group
Institution : University of California, Santa Cruz
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Participant Only
Laboratory : IEMN C.N.R.S - Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie
Institution : Université de Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Thierry Alboussiere
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (1824)
Parvathy Anantha Padmanabha Sarma
Laboratory : Group NAMASTE, Physics
Institution : IEMN
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Duchene Anne
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Vangelis Antzoulatos
Laboratory : Lycee Fenelon
Institution : Éducation nationale
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Herve Avelin
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Frederic Barbaresco
Institution : THALES
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Stefano Barbieri
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Xavier Bataille
Laboratory : École Nationale de Chimie et Biologie de Paris
Institution : ENCBP
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific & Organizing Committees
Elisa Belotti
Laboratory : Faculty of Natural Sciences
Institution : University of Bergamo
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Carnot Family
Emanuel Bertrand
Laboratory : SPHERE
Institution : CNRS-University Paris Cité
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
gilles bertrand
Laboratory : Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
Institution : Université de Bourgogne
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Sabine Binder-Krieglstein
Laboratory : Juridicum
Institution : University of Wien
Country of your organization : Austria
Topics List : Daily Session: Carnots Exhibition
Denis Bonnelle
Laboratory : IPSL
Institution : Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace – Sciences du climat
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Samir Boumediene
Laboratory : IHRIM
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Paolo Bussotti
Laboratory : DIUM
Institution : University of Udine
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Plenary Session: Keynote Speakers
Alix Carnot
Laboratory : Château Presles Carnot Private Archive
Institution : Carnot Family
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Carnot Family
marco ceccarelli
Laboratory : LARM2: Laboratory of Robot Mechatronics
Institution : University of Rome Tor Vergata
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Leonardo Colombo
Laboratory : Centre for Automation and Robotics
Institution : Spanish National Research Council
Country of your organization : Spain
Topics List : Participant Only
Géry de Saxcé
Laboratory : LaMcube
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific & Organizing Committees
Laëtitia Debas
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Laboratory : EDF R&D
Institution : EDF
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Regis Decressain
Laboratory : Dept Physique
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific & Organizing Committees
Matthieu DECROCK
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR8520
Institution : CNRS-University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Christophe Delerue
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS-University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Official Opening Carnot Lille 2024 Session: Colloquium Welcome Ceremony
Jean Guy Dhombres
Laboratory : CAK
Institution : EHESS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Antonino Drago
Laboratory : Retired Scholar, Dept. of Physical Sciences
Institution : University "Federico II" of Naples
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Communications Session: On Lazare and Sadi Carnot's Life & Works
Pascal Dréan
Laboratory : PhLAM
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Official Opening Carnot Lille 2024 Session: Colloquium Welcome Ceremony
Laboratory : University of Lille
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Armin Feldhoff
Laboratory : Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Institution : Leibniz University Hannover
Country of your organization : Germany
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Robert Fox
Laboratory : Faculty of History
Institution : University of Oxford
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Topics List : Plenary Session: Keynote Speakers
Rémi Franckowiak
Laboratory : S2HEP - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Institution : Université de Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Sandrine FUGERE
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
clément gandon-mitaï
Laboratory : Independent
Institution : Independent
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Alessandro Gasparetto
Laboratory : Mechatronics and Robotics Laboratory
Institution : Università degli Studi di Udine
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
François Gerin
Laboratory : Société de l'électricité, de l'électronique et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Institution : SEE
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Jean-Marc Ginoux
Laboratory : Département de Génie Mécanique et Productique - I.U.T
Institution : University of Toulon
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Stefano Giordano
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Erik Hallers
Laboratory : Tezzit
Institution : Tezzit
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Topics List : Participant Only
Robert Hanlon
Laboratory : Chemical Engineering Department
Institution : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Ilies Haouche
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Geoffrey Haraux
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
Casper Helder
Laboratory : Unified Energy BV
Institution : Unified Energy BV
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Imen Hnid
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Michal Kokowski
Laboratory : Unit for Sciences Studies and Science-of-Science
Institution : Institute for the History of Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
Country of your organization : Poland
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Milivoje Kostic
Laboratory : Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institution : Northern Illinois University
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Communications Session: On Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (1824)
Vladik Kreinovich
Laboratory : Computer Science Department
Institution : University of Texas at El Paso
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
jean lajzerowicz
Laboratory : CEA
Institution : CEA
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Marc Leconte
Laboratory : SEE
Institution : Société de l’Electricité, de l’Electronique et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Vincent Lemort
Laboratory : Thermodynamics Laboratory
Institution : University of Liège
Country of your organization : Belgium
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Montgomery Link
Laboratory : Department of Philosophy
Institution : Suffolk University
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Ricardo Lopes Coelho
Laboratory : History and Philosophy of Physics
Institution : Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon
Country of your organization : Portugal
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Paola Maddaluno
Laboratory : London
Institution : London
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
de Leon Manuel
Laboratory : Centre for Automation and Robotics
Institution : Spanish National Research Council
Country of your organization : Spain
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Thierry Mélin
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS-University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Official Opening Carnot Lille 2024 Session: Colloquium Welcome Ceremony
Flavia Marcacci
Laboratory : Faculty of History and Philosophy of Science
Institution : Lateran Pontifical University
Country of your organization : Vatican City
Topics List : Plenary Open Roundtable Session, Keynote Speakers & Participants: Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of the Exact Sciences have been Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in these Sciences and Interrelations Amongst Them—Past Problems, Future Cures - Part Two?
Agamenon Oliveira
Laboratory : Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro
Institution : Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Country of your organization : Brazil
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Stefaan Prof. Dr. Missinne
Laboratory : Fellow Royal Geographical Society
Institution : Royal Geographical Society
Country of your organization : Austria
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Radhakrishnamurty Padyala
Laboratory : Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Institution : Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Country of your organization : India
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Emilio Marco Pellegrino
Laboratory : ISEEP
Institution : Portland State University
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Carnot Family
Raffaele Pisano
Laboratory : Hopast at IEMN
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Carnot Leading & Keynote Speaker
Arunmozhiselvan Rajaram
Laboratory : Gaveshana
Institution : Gaveshana Geosciences Private Limited
Country of your organization : India
Topics List : Participant Only
Julie Robarts
Laboratory : Italian Studies, School of Languages and Linguistics
Institution : University of Melbourne
Country of your organization : Australia
Topics List : Member of Scientific & Organizing Committees
Julien ROCHE
Laboratory : LILLIAD/President Liber Europe
Institution : University of Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Eric Scerri
Laboratory : Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Institution : University of California Los Angeles UCLA
Country of your organization : United States
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Laboratory : IEMN
Institution : CNRS - Université Lille
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Member of Organizing Committee
John Schuster
Laboratory : Campion College, Sydney
Institution : Campion College, Sydney
Country of your organization : Australia
Topics List : Plenary Open Roundtable Session, Keynote Speakers & Participants: Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of the Exact Sciences have been Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in these Sciences and Interrelations Amongst Them—Past Problems, Future Cures - Part Two?
Claude Slowik
Laboratory : Retired
Institution : Université de Picardie
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Sandro Sozzo
Laboratory : DIUM
Institution : University of Udine
Country of your organization : Italy
Topics List : Member of Scientific Committee
Daniel Suchet
Laboratory : Institut du Photovoltaïque d'Ile de France
Institution : Ecole polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Participant Only
Andre Thess
Laboratory : Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics - DLR
Institution : University of Stuttgart
Country of your organization : Germany
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Arjan van Deijk
Laboratory : Tezzit
Institution : Tezzit
Country of your organization : Netherlands
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Bill Xezonakis
Laboratory : Tezzit
Institution : Tezzit
Country of your organization : Greece
Topics List : Participant Only
Bartosiewicz Yann
Laboratory : Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (iMMC), thermodynamics and Fluid mechanics division (TFL)
Institution : UCLouvain
Country of your organization : Belgium
Topics List : Communications Session: On History of Thermodynamics, from Carnot's Achievements to Related Scientific Disciplines 19th-21st C.
Sequoya Yiaueki
Laboratory : Institut Éric Weil
Institution : University of Lille-CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Topics List : Official Opening Carnot Lille 2024 Session: Colloquium Welcome Ceremony
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