Three-Days Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium Programme [update: 6th of September 2024]
Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024
11-13 September 2024 {N.B.: Paris Time}
IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, Campus Science and Technology, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France
University of Lille, France
The Book of Abstracts [September 6, 2024; Edited & Generated by Website]
Presentations: Lille Carnot 2024 Workplace Computer Only. Please make sure to upload your files (.ppt & PDF) following up Team Communications-emails.
Day 1. Wednesday 11th of September [N.B.: No Lunch Break is scheduled]
- 11h45-19h00. Daily Welcome, Registrations/Goodies Open & Help Desk
- 11h45-12h45. Uploading files for Talks (including successive afternoon regular session) |Colloquium Computer Workplace only
- 13h00-19h00. Daily Permanent Session: Posters & Exhibition
Plenary Session | 12h50-14h00
Official Opening & Greetings Three-Day Carnot Lille 2024 Conference Welcome Ceremony | 12h50-14h00 Chairperson: Carnot Leading & Chairperson Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)
- 12h50-13h00. Dr. Thierry Melin and Dr. Christophe Delerue, Head and Scientific Head of the IEMN, France
- 13h00-13h10. Prof. Franck Dumeignil, Vice-President of the University of Lille, France
- 13h10-13h20. Chiarissimo Prof. Étienne Ghys, Secrétaire Perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences, France
- 13h20-13h30. Mrs. Alix and Olivier Carnot / Mr. Thierry and Mrs. Caroline Carnot, Château de Presles & its Private Rare Carnots Archive, Paris, France
- 13h30-13h40. Prof. Julien Roche, Head of the LILLIAD, University of Lille, France
- 13h40-13h50. Dr. Sequoya YIaueki, Head of the Institut Éric Weil, University of Lille, France
- 13h50-14h00. Mr. François Gerin, President of the Société de l'électricité, de l'électronique et des technologies de l'information et de la communication, France
Plenary Session | 14h00-16h45 |
Chairperson: Prof. Robert Fox (University of Oxford, UK)
- 14h00-14h45. Mrs Alix and Mr. Olivier Carnot, Descendants of Carnot's Family (Paris, France) | Private Rare Carnots Archive
- 15h00-15h45. Prof. Antonino Drago, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy | Lazare Carnot’s Mechanics: the Beginning of Group Theory in Science
- 16h00-16h45. Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille, France) | On Lazare & Sadi, Cycle & Machines: A filial and Scientific Project
Coffee Break & All Participants Group Photo 1st Call
Communication Session | 17h00-18h45
Chairperson: Dr. Robert T. Hanlon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- 17h00-17h30. Prof. Ricardo Lopes Coelho, History of Physics Unit, University of Lisbon, Portugal | Carnot and the Conservation of Energy
- 17h30-18h00. Prof. Armin Feldhoff, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Hannover Leibniz University, Germany | Carnot's Principle Applied to Thermoelectrics: Dynamics of Entropy, Charge and Energy of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
- 18h00-18h30. Dr. Arjan van Deijk, Dr. Bill Xezonakis, Dr. Casper Helder, Unified Energy BV, The Netherlands | From Carnot to Clausius
- 18h30-18h45. Debate
Plenary Session | 19h30-22h00
Chairperson: Dr. Benoit Blanc (University of Lille, France)
- 19h30-21h45. Carnot Lille 2024 Welcome Cocktail [Private & Free for All Participants] at the at IEMN venue
- 22h00. End of the Working Day 1.
Day 2. Thursday 12th of September
- 8h30-19h00. Daily Welcome, Registrations/Goodies Open & Help Desk
- 8h15-8h45. Uploading files for Talks (including successive daily session) | Colloquium Computer Workplace only
- 8h30-19h00. Daily Permanent session: Posters & Exhibition
Communication Session | 9h00-10h45
Chairperson: Mr. Frederic Barbaresco (THALES, France)
- 9h00-9h30. Dr. Andre Thess, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics-DLR, University of Stuttgart, Germany | Carnot-Batteries for Large-Scale Electricity Storage
- 9h30-10h00. Dr. Manuel de Leon, Centre for Automation and Robotics, Spanish National Research Council, Spain | Carnot Theorem for Constrained hybrid Mechanical Systems
- 10h00-10h30. Dr. Denis Bonnelle, Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace, Sorbonne Universite, France | Topicality of Carnot’s Theorem for the Energy Transition
- 10h30-10h45. Debate
Coffee break
Plenary Session | 11h00-12h00
Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)
- 11h00-11h45. Prof. Robert Fox (University of Oxford, UK) | The Intellectual Environment of Sadi Carnot. A Further Look
- 11h45-12h00. Debate
Lunch Break & All Participants Group Photo 2nd Call
Plenary Session | 13h30-14h30
Chairperson: Prof. Jean G. Dhombres (CAK-CNRS Paris, France)
- 13h30-14h15. Prof. Paolo Bussotti (University of Udine, Italy) | Lazare Carnot and Michel Chasles: foundational programmes for geometry
- 14h15-14h30. Debate
Communication Session | 14h30-16h45
Chairperson: Prof. Mateja Ploj-Virtic (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
- 14h30-15h00. Prof. Montgomery Link, Department of Philosophy, Suffolk University in Boston, USA | Thermodynamic Time Asymmetries
- 15h00-15h30. Dr. Emanuel Bertrand, SPHERE, Université Paris Cité, France | Ilya Prigogine's non-equilibrium thermodynamics as a new synthesis of physics?
- 15h30-16h00. Prof. Agamenon Oliveira, Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Sadi Carnot and Paradigm Changes in Physics and Economics
- 16h00-16h45. Debate
Coffee Break
Plenary Session | 17h00-18h00
Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France) & Prof. Montgomery Link (Department of Philosophy, Suffolk University in Boston, USA)
Plenary Session | 19h30-22h00
Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)
- 19h30-21h45. Carnot Lille 2024 Gala Dinner & Music Live [Private & not Free] at IEMN venue
- 22h00. End of the Working Day 2.
Day 3. Friday 13th of September
- 8h30-19h00. Daily Welcome, Registrations/Goodies Open & Help Desk
- 8h15-8h45. Uploading files for Talks (including successive daily session) | Colloquium Computer Workplace only
- 8h30-19h00. Daily Permanent session: Posters & Exhibition
Communication Session | 9h00-10h45
Chairperson: Prof. Montgomery Link (Suffolk University in Boston, USA)
- 9h00-9h30. Mr. Frederic Barbaresco, THALES, France | Symplectic Foliation Model of Sadi Carnot's Thermodynamics: from Carathéodory's seminal idea to Souriau's Lie Groups Thermodynamics
- 9h30-10h00. Prof. Fabrizio Cleri, IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France | Quantum Heat Machines and Carnot in the 21st century
- 10h00-10h30. Mr. Clément Gandon-Mitaï, Cofap Ifom Nantes, France | The rediscovery of Sadi Carnot by Henry Le Chatelier (1850-1936), a Forgotten Contribution to Energetics?
- 10h30-10h45. Debate
Coffee break
Plenary Session | 11h-12h00
Chairperson: Prof. Paolo Bussotti (University of Udine, Italy)
- 11h00-11h45. Prof. Jean G. Dhombres, CAK-CNRS Paris, France | Fourier's Propagation of Heat Hidden Influence On Sadi Carnot's Réflexions : the Question of Infinitesimals in Physics in the Early 19th Century
- 11h45-12h00. Debate
Lunch Break & Free Time
Communication Session | 14h30-16h45
Chairperson: Dr. Elisa Belotti (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- 14h30-15h00. Dr. Robert T. Hanlon, School of Chemical Engineering Practice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | Reconsidering the use of Carnot’s Heat Engine in Thermodynamics education
- 15h00-15h30. Prof. Mateja Ploj-Virtic, University of Maribor, Slovenia | The Importance of Conceptual Teaching in Early Technical Education: The Case of Carnot Engine
- 15h30-16h00. Dr. Thierry Alboussiere, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, University of Lyon-CNRS/ENS de Lyon-CNRS, France | Using the "Reflexions" to Teach Thermodynamics
- 16h00-16h30. Dr. Vincent Lemort, Thermodynamics Laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium | The Role of Experimental Practice in the Rise of Technical Thermodynamics at the University of Liège from 1868 to 1914
- 16h30-16h45. Debate
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Chairpersons: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)

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- * This three–Day programme combines a core of formal-and-methodological Historical-Scientific Research on one side and Science EU/overseas Studies on the other, with a participative approach that includes participant problem solving, and roundtable. It will mobilise the latest evidence and a multidisciplinary expertise. The manifold experiences of participants in the field will be central, with participants sharing and developing their perspectives, i.e., developing a concrete case study that cuts across themes.
- * In particular, for this kind of Open Roundtable, no standalone talks are expected. The invited Speakers, Communication Speakers and Participants for this Open Roundtable should not prepare a presentation. Under guidance of the Moderator, the debate among Invited Speakers, Communication Speakers and Participants will be developed, on the subject and in the field.