Programme Overview Carnot Lille 2024 | In Progress

Programme Overview: Meetings, Plenary Sessions, Communication Sessions, Roundtable, Exhibits & Events


Three-Days Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium

Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024 

 11-13 September 2024 {N.B.: Paris Time}

IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, Campus Science and Technology, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

University of Lille, France


Day 1. Wednesday 11th September

  • 8h30-19h00 Daily Welcome, Registrations Open & Help Desk
  • 8h30-19h00 Daily Permanent Session: Posters & Exhibits

Plenary Session

         Chairperson: Carnot Leading & Chairperson Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)

13h00-14h00 Official Opening Three-Day Carnot Lille 2024 Conference Welcome Ceremony

  • Dr. Thierry Melin and Christophe Delerue, Head of Scientific Head of IEMN, France
  • Chiarissimo Secrétaire Perpétuel Prof. Étienne Ghys, French Académie des Science, France
  • Mr. Thierry and Mrs. Caroline Carnot, direct Descendants of Carnot's Family Paris, France
  • Mrs. Alix and Olivier Carnot, Descendants of Carnot's Family and owner of the Carnot Château de Presles & its Private Rare Carnots Archive, Paris, France
  • Prof. Julien Roche, Head of LILLIAD, University of Lille, France
  • Dr. Sequoya YIaueki, Institut Éric Weil, University of Lille,France
  • Lille University Official Authorities & Guests
  • et al. forthcoming


Plenary Session
          Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 14h00-14h45 Mrs Alix and Oliveir Carnot, Descendants of Carnot's Family (Paris, France) | Private Rare Carnots Archive
  • 15h00-15h45 Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille, France) | On Lazare & Sadi, Cycle & Machines: A filial and Scientific Project
  • 16h00-16h45. Prof. Antonino Drago, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy | Lazare Carnot’s Mechanics: the Beginning of Group Theory in Science

Coffee Break

Communication Session
            Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 17h00-18h00 Communications
  • 19h00-21h30 Carnot Lille 2024 Welcome Cocktail

               End of the Working Day 1.



Day 2. Thursday 12th September 

  • 8h00-19h00 Daily Welcome, Registrations Open & Help Desk
  • 8h00-19h00 Daily Permanent session: Posters & Exhibits

Communication Session
            Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 8h30-10h00 Communications

Coffee break

Plenary Session
          Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)

  • 11h00-11h45 Prof. Robert Fox (University of Oxford, UK) | On editing Carnot

Lunch Break

Plenary Session
          Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 13h30-14h15 Prof. Paolo Bussotti (University of Udine, Italy) | Lazare Carnot and Michel Chasles: foundational programmes for geometry


Communication Session
            Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 14h30-16h30 Communications

Coffee Break

Plenary Session
          Chairperson: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France)

  • 17h00-18h30 Open Roundtable*Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of the Exact Sciences have been Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in these Sciences and Interrelations Amongst Them—Past Problems, Future Cures - Part Two ? Keynote Speakers & participants at Roundtable, forthcoming 
  •  19h30-21h30 pm Carnot Lille 2024 Gala Dinner

                  End of the Working Day 2.


Day 3. Friday 13th September 

  • 8h30-19h00 Daily Welcome, Registrations Open & Help Desk
  • 8h00-19h00 Daily Permanent session: Posters & Exhibits

Communication Session
            Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 8h30-10h00 Communications

Coffee break

Plenary Session
          Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 11h00-11h45 Prof. Jean G. Dhombres, CAK-CNRS Paris, France | Fourier's Propagation of Heat Hidden Influence On Sadi Carnot's Réflexions : the Question of Infinitesimals in Physics in the Early 19th Century

Lunch Break

Communication Session
            Chairperson: forthcoming

  • 13h30-16h30 Communications

Coffee Break

Plenary Session
          Chairpersons: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (HOPAST at IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS, France) 

               End of Three-Day & Official Closing Carnot Lille 2024 Ceremony



[Icon Credit:]


  • * This three–Day programme combines a core of formal-and-methodological Historical-Scientific Research on one side and Science EU/overseas Studies on the other, with a participative approach that includes participant problem solving, and roundtable. It will mobilise the latest evidence and a multidisciplinary expertise. The manifold experiences of participants in the field will be central, with participants sharing and developing their perspectives, i.e., developing a concrete case study that cuts across themes.
  • * In particular, for this kind of Open Roundtable, no standalone talks are expected. The invited Keynote Speakers & Participants for this Open Roundtable should not prepare a presentation. They will initial speech for some minutes and then, under guidance of the Moderator, the debate between Roundtable Keynote Speakers and Participants will develop, on the subject and in the field.
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